Saying 'I'm not okay' can feel uncomfortable
We often avoid admitting how we feel or think it doesn’t matter but recognising when we’re not okay helps us to reconnect with what ‘okay’ feels like.
Acknowledging where you’re at gives you a moment to reset and clear your mind. By being open about your feelings, you can create space for growth and connection.
Sometimes ‘I’m not okay’ is the first small step toward getting back on track.
When you need to say ‘I’m not okay’, MOST is here to help. Connect with a community of young people who get what you’re going through and access resources to help you feel supported during the festive season.
Ways to stay okay

A tip for when you're not okay - box breathing
Box breathing is a deep breathing technique designed to make us feel calmer. Play this video or follow the instructions below, when you feel stressed during the holidays.
Follow these steps:

- Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down with your eyes closed.
- Visualise a square and imagine each part of your breath as one side of the square.
- Count to four as you inhale deeply and slowly.
- Then, exhale deeply and slowly, to a count of four.
- Repeat this cycle four times.
Note: Don’t worry too much about the pace of your breathing. You can adjust this according to what suits you.
Don't have a MOST account?
If you’re aged 15-25 and live in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory or Queensland, you can sign yourself up to MOST.
If you live in New South Wales, Western Australia or are aged 12-14 in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory or Queensland, you’ll need a referral from a participating youth mental health service to join MOST.